Frequently Asked Questions

  • At the lower school the day begins at 8:30 AM and Dismissal begins at 2:35 PM. In the Upper School, hours are 8:05 AM to 2:45 PM.

  • A number of factors are taken into consideration when grouping students including age, grade, language abilities, social/emotional skills, support needs, academic levels and abilities. An emphasis is placed on forming groups of children with complementary strengths and challenges to create a good balance for the group as a whole. Reece has classroom ratios of 8:1:1 in our lower school and 8:1:1 or 12:1:1 in our upper school.

  • The purpose of homework is to practice skills learned in class. Teachers want to receive feedback from parents about how homework is progressing and will modify or offer strategies when necessary.

  • All children enter Reece with an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) that is formulated by the Department of Education. The IEP states goals for all academic content areas as well as therapeutic goals for related services including counseling, speech-language, occupational therapy and physical therapy. This plan is assessed when a child begins at the school to make certain that the mandated services support their needs. An annual review is held each year by the CSE with the goal of revising goals, generating new goals, and to recommend changes in related services when necessary.

  • There are several annual community events that all parents are encouraged to attend.

    There will be a Book Fair, usually in the Fall. Parents and guests are given the opportunity to purchase books for their children and for the school based on wish lists that are formulated by the children and the teachers. Details will follow.

    Our Saturday program allows for an opportunity for our community to get together on a more relaxed, social basis. We hold Saturday events once per month. In the past they have included a central park picnic, a day at the movies, bowling, a charity event, Family potluck BBQ and more. These events are not mandatory but provide an excellent opportunity to socialize with other families in the Reece community.

  • The most important expectation for parents at Reece is communication. We believe families are an invaluable part of the child's team. We will communicate with you often (the positives as well) and we hope you communicate with us. The more involved parents are in the child's school functioning the more successful their experience will be.

  • Every Reece family is a member of the Parent Association and is welcome to donate time to it’s running successfully. The PA meets several times a year. Parents are encouraged to attend these meetings to organize and participate in the various school events and to voice questions and concerns, and to share ideas.

    If you’re interested in joining, please sign up here.